
EE Postcast Guest Hosting Gig

EE Postcast Guest Hosting Gig

I was recently asked to guest host on the EE Podcast with my fellow Albuquerque EE developer Emily Lewis. We interviewed Ryan Battles on EE Error pages. Have a listen:

EE Error Pages with Ryan Battles
While error pages like 404 Page Not Found are “standard” server messages, they don’t always present your site visitors with useful information. Ryan Battles joins the show to talk about ways to make your server and site error messages more effective. He discusses how developers should approach their ExpressionEngine templates to ensure that a correct 404 redirect occurs, and shares tips for customizing EE’s system messages and front-end form validation.

Filed Under: Coding, Expression Engine, MediaGirl

EE Focused Stack Exchange Site

EE Focused Stack Exchange Site

The EE community has rallied and the ExpressionEngine focused Stack Exchange site is live and in public beta! Please take a moment to signup to show your support... Use the site to ask all EE related questions and take a few minutes each day to help others in the community by answering questions.

Filed Under: Coding, Expression Engine, Tools

Proposed ExpressionEngine Stack Exchange Site

Proposed ExpressionEngine Stack Exchange Site

The ExpressionEngine community has rallied and is actively supporting a new Stack Exchange proposed site specific for ExpressionEngine developers.

I am in complete support of this proposed site and am doing everything I can do to get the proposal to Beta stage. Please join us by "committing" to the proposal on the Stack Exchange Area 51 site.

In addition to committing to the EE proposal, you will also need to build a reputation of 200 or higher on one of the 90 available Q&A Stack Exchange sites.

We also encourage you to post any and all ExpressionEngine questions to the website until the proposed EE site it up and running. Post a link to the question on Twitter with the #eecms hash tag and you will get very quick answers to your questions.

Suggested Reading
- Why Stack Exchange matters
- Help Support The Stack Overflow ExpressionEngine Proposal
- Area 51 Commit Percent

Filed Under: Coding, Expression Engine

Top 10 jQuery Snippets

Top 10 jQuery Snippets

On just about every project coming through my office now days there is some component of jQuery scripting involved. I personally love jQuery and each time I code some new interaction I learn a ton!

Here's a great page of the top jQuery snippets for bookmarking... The 10 most used jQuery Snippets.

Filed Under: Coding



The Devote:ee website is my favorite ExpressionEngine hangout. The site centralizes ExpressionEngine modules/plugins/extensions/accessories in one location and gives developers and easy way to buy addons. Not all addons are represented on the site but it is by far the most comprehensive list anywhere on the web.

Filed Under: Bookmarks, Coding, Expression Engine, Tools