Expression Engine Templates

Expression Engine Templates

We've seen a number of people landing on the MediaGirl website while looking for Expression Engine templates. While we don't provide any templates on this site, we've taken a couple of minutes to put together a list of sites that do have free templates. There aren't a ton out there.

NOTE: This is old information...

Expression Engine
Check out the main Expression Engine website for a list of 27 templates that can quickly be downloaded.

This site has 6 Expression Engine teplates to download. The "Fresh" Theme doesn't look half bad. Also check out their Expression Engine Photo Gallery template.

Vaya Design
Vaya Design offers up a Teal Template for Expression Engine.

Blog Studios
The Blog Studios Expression Engine templates aren't free but we are including them here anyway so folks can take a look.

This site just has a couple of EE templates but they are worth checking out.

EE Templates - Added 10-16-2008
EE Templates has several Expression Engine templates for free or paid download.

EE Design - Added 10-16-2008
EE Design has a couple of EE templates which are listed under the "Templates Quicklist" header in the right navigation of the website.

Filed Under: Expression Engine